The End.

MOJO was a success and a great experience! The feedback obtained was amazing and it was incredibly satisfying to see the players enjoying the game we created. We were able to perform 26 tests and have a lot of data to analyse for the final report. In the end, all of the work put into this project was worth it. 

We also want to acknowledge the incredible artists that worked very hard to co-design the island environment with us and produced incredible posters. 

It was a great opportunity to be able to work with this team. With this project, I was able to enrich my knowledge in the gaming field and learned a lot. Now it’s time to power through the final report.

Survived MOJO

This week was very stressing but in the end, everything went well. We were able to finish the island environment and to implement the different components we had envisioned.
MOJO was a lot of fun and it was great to experience it with the artists too. The feedback obtained was also very positive. Overall, I’m very happy with the result.


At the beginning of the week, I was correcting last-minute bugs in order to assure that our game prototype was ready for MOJO. MOJO was a great experience and a fun day. I didn’t expect to receive such positive feedback and enthusiastic players.
In the next two weeks, I will be focusing on the report to assure we finish the course with an exceptional grade.