Inventory, water interaction and chopping trees

Currently, I’m fixing several bugs on the inventory and water interaction. I’m also developing the mechanics of chopping trees and consequently saving the wood in the inventory to later produce shelter and firewood, offering elements that increase the players chance of survival.

Inventory Implementation

This week I was responsible for developing the inventory. The inventory is essential in a survival game in order for the player to store food, tools or weapons that increase his chances of survival. Additionally, the inventory has a fixed size. Therefore, the player will have to manage his inventory and prioritize the items that maximize his chances of surviving the different challenges.

Play Scenarios Improvement

I was focused on improving the previously defined scenarios with more detail regarding in-game activities in order to reflect the different game experiences, namely exploration, survival, and puzzle resolution. Therefore, each play scenario reflects different player persona preferences. Additionally, I also created new scenarios based on the feedback received in the workshop.

Low-fidelity Prototypes Part I

I built several low-fidelity prototypes to explore different potential solutions to realize the experience goals. The prototypes were aligned with the definition of the play scenarios and the core gameplay loop(s). I was responsible for building the water, food and health bars, for creating prototypes that represented the play scenarios where the player had to gather food, namely berries from bushes, and water to increase the value of the bars previously mentioned.